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Video Case Studies

Learn how communities around the world are leveraging Hohonu technology to generate actionable data and insights to protect themselves from future flooding

Lee County, Florida

Stakeholders across Lee County discuss how Hohonu's flood and water level sensors and software are helping them protect their community, recounting experiences from Hurrricanes Helene and Milton in 2024. A big mahalo to all video participants: - John Schultz, Lee County Emergency Management - Benjamin Abes, Lee County Public Safety - Stephen Boutelle, Lee County Natural Resources - Roland Ottolini, Lee County Natural Resources - Matt Devitt, WINK News - Katie Walls, FOX 4 WFTX - Rob Duns, Gulf Coast News

Flood Monitoring in Cape Cod, MA

Great Island is an HOA community located in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Hohonu's flood monitoring technology measured 50 floods over a 6-month period over the only access road. The real-time and historical data is now informing local emergency services as well as future resilience actions. Special thanks to: - Craig Fleming; General Manager, Great Island Homeowners Association - Chris Gloninger; Senior Climate Scientist, Woods Hole Group - Enrique Arrascue; Fire Chief, Town of Yarmouth, MA

Hawai'i Fishpond Monitoring

Kua'aina Ulu 'Auamo and Purple Mai'a received appropriations funding through Senator Brian Schatz's office and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. One of the goals was to deploy sensor technology into everyday efforts at up to 30 fishpond restoration projects across Oahu and Maui Counties. All participating fishponds received devices for water level monitoring, and the survey helped to identify a subset of qualified locations to receive water quality such as dissolved oxygen, salinity, chlorophyll, and turbidity. Hohonu collaborated with nonprofits and local practitioners to best understand how data can be used at each site, and to deploy the right types of sensors (both water level and water quality) for appropriate locations As a result, water level, dissolved oxygen, salinity, chlorophyll, and turbidity sensors were deployed in 30 new locations throughout Hawai'i. The data is being used in a variety of different ways, including verifying and quantifying flow during restoration projects, and monitoring seasonal water level variations during wet and dry seasons. Collaborative community engagement enabled buy-in from dozens of local practitioners to deploy modern technologies at fishponds across the state of Hawai'i Video participants include: Purple Mai'a Paepae o He'eia Maunalua Fishpond Heritage Center Restoration Mālama Hulēʻia Nomilo Fishpond

Maine Weather Research

The city of Portland, ME is set on a peninsula that has a population of ~68,000 people that is known for its scenic waterfront views. The Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) is a nonprofit organization who is "dedicated to the resilience of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem and the communities that depend on it." Maine is the most rural state in the United States, and towns across the state are being disproportionately impacted by Sea Level Rise. In the last decade, the speed at which Maine's sea level is rising has increased, and is now rising by as much as 1 inch every 6 years. (Source) And yet there are only 4 federally-maintained tide stations across Maine's 228 miles of general coastline, which has been insufficient for many of Maine's coastal communities to make informed decisions about how to combat Sea Level Rise and flooding. GMRI and the City of Portland installed a Hohonu gauge in December 2021 as a pilot to test its efficacy, led by a Hohonu-approved technician. The tide gauge was surveyed using RTK GPS technology to achieve NAVD88 and MLLW DATUM outputs. In over 15 months there has been no required maintenance even throughout frigid winter conditions. Using a combination of sensors and photos taken by the community, the city was able to prove that recently-installed outfall valves nearly eliminated flooding at a water level ~two feet higher than prior water levels that had caused widespread flooding. Video participants include: City of Portland Gulf of Maine Research Institute WMTV8

North Carolina Climate Resilience

Work was funded by the Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA), a organization funded by NOAA IOOS that is "the coastal ocean observing system for the Southeast U.S." ​The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association​ (ASBPA) is a nonprofit "dedicated to preserving, protecting and enhancing our coasts by merging science and public policy." North Carolina communities are brought to a standstill when flooding shuts down critical infrastructure and transportation corridors.​ In these communities, SECOORA and ASBPA identified that tidal data collection can help to provide local decision support as well as to enhance data-driven modeling efforts. With funding from SECOORA, ASBPA has been working with Hohonu to install low-cost water level sensors in over 40 communities from Florida to North Carolina. The Hohonu sensors upload data to the Hohonu dashboard in real-time. Hohonu's API allows SECOORA to also display the data on its own data portal. In September 2022, when many of these communities were in the path of Hurricane Ian, they were able to use Hohonu's data in a number of ways: - Local governments shared Hohonu's open access dashboard with their constituents to monitor the storm. Sensor hardware performed well in locations that were colocated with NOAA stations - Sensor hardware performed well in locations that were colocated with NOAA stations - The data was used in conjunction with cameras in order to remotely monitor infrastructure - Researchers used the real-time data to understand how water levels were impacting road flooding - The captured data is now allowing communities to set thresholds for future events Local North Carolina customers who contributed to the video include town administrators, planners, and scientists from: ASBPA, Ocean Isle Beach, Dare County, Carolina Beach, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Moffatt & Nichol, Bald Head Island, and Surf City

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